

Monthly student and educator meetups

This includes:

  • Webinars and talks: participation in a monthly webinar for tinkering activities, experience-sharing, discussions, and special talks by renowned practitioners.


Translating educator materials to local languages to allow for more local and cultural engagement.

  • First translation: Creative Learning Guide - Coming soon

Open-source curricula development

Contribution to an open-source library of curricular resources for maker education, including for “making at home” activities.

Experience sharing

Educators will have access to a website where they will contribute short reflective journal entries, and receive feedback from other fellows, teachers, and researchers. 

Educators will also generate at least three public blog posts per year, which will be publicized to other educational media outlets.



Educators will contribute to a magazine that will collect maker education stories, practices and cases focused on play in the classroom and mainstreaming play in education.

Educators will also generate at least three public blog posts per year, which will be publicized to other educational media outlets.

Creative learning and Competency

The core of what the competency-based curriculum in Kenya envision is that at the end of the learning period, every learner should have achieved the following competencies

  • Communication and collaboration
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Imagination and creativity
  • Citizenship
  • Learning to learn
  • Self-efficacy
  • Digital literacy

These are the core of what the creative learning achieves in practice .